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3D打印Branch Technology C-Fab 工艺用于巨型 3D 打印立面和外墙板

2021-03-11  7757

Branch Technology的首席商务官米奇•莱万多夫斯基(Mitch Lewandowski)暗示要进行一个重大项目已有一段时间了。现在终于被显示,不仅仅是一个项目,但至少两个,甚至更多,他们都是巨大的大小:3 d印刷外观的田纳西流域联邦信用合作社建设和外墙面板中心的工程、技术、艺术与科学在查塔努加州立社区学院。

Mitch Lewandowski, Branch Technology‘s Chief Commercial Officer, had been hinting at a major project for some time. It has now finally been revealed that it’s not just one project but at least two, and possibly more, and they are both massive in size: a 3D printed facade for the Tennessee Valley Federal Credit Union building and exterior wall panels for the Center of Engineering, Technology, Arts & Sciences at the Chattanooga State Community College.

这两款产品都是使用Branch Technology的3D打印工艺Cellular Fabrication(简称C-Fab)专利技术生产的。在照片中,学院建筑几乎准备好了,而田纳西山谷联邦信用联盟(TVFCU)建筑3D打印立面(在视频中)的最终结果即将公布。

Both are produced using Branch Technology’s patented 3D printing process Cellular Fabrication, or C-Fab. The College building, in the photos, is almost ready while the final results of the Tennessee Valley Federal Credit Union (TVFCU)  building 3D printed facade (in the video) are just about to be unveiled.


MBI Companies Chattanooga, alongside Chattanooga State Community College, Branch Technology, Helton Construction, leaped at the exciting opportunity for a convergence of materials, design, technology, ideas, people in the renovation of an existing Chattanooga State Community College Campus building.

工程、技术、艺术和科学中心的复兴被证明是Branch Technology下一代设计和施工应用的完美选择。受自然的启发,利用3D打印细胞制造(C-Fab)专利技术,设计、制造和安装了美丽的大型矩阵面板,将复杂的想法物化到建筑环境中。

Revitalization of the Center of Engineering, Technology, Arts & Sciences proved to be a perfect fit for Branch Technology’s next-generation design and construction application. Inspired by nature and utilizing the patented 3D printing Cellular Fabrication (C-Fab) technology, beautiful large-scale matrix panels were engineered, fabricated and installed to materialize sophisticated ideas into the built environment.


The engineering building now boasts a cohesive dynamic appearance to convey the innovation occurring within the classrooms, multi-functional space, two of the biggest FabLabs in the state, and a striking main entrance.


While some people think of financial institutions as being a bit stodgy and old-fashioned, the credit union in Chattanooga, Tenn., definitely breaks that mold. The Tennessee Valley Federal Credit Union (TVFCU)  literally broke the 3D printing mold and hired Branch Technology, an architectural fabricator specializing in construction-scale 3D printing, and a TVFCU business member, to build its latest branch.


“Several years ago, I had the opportunity to visit Branch Technology when they were located in the Chattanooga Chamber of Commerce’s Business Incubator,” said Todd Fortner, president and CEO at TVFCU. “I was amazed at what could be made on a large scale with 3D printing. I immediately began to think about how we could incorporate this new technology into a future project.”


TVFCU leaders and its builder for more than 20 years, Construction Consultants, began working with Branch Technology for TVFCU’s new Southside Branch, located at 125 West 20th Street in Chattanooga. While TVFCU has a branch in Downtown Chattanooga, the Southside Branch fills a void in the community for a brick-and-mortar branch in this urban neighborhood less than 2 miles from the city center. Credit union leaders wanted to highlight the characteristics of the Tennessee Valley and to blend into the surroundings of this urban neighborhood for a truly innovative design.

Branch Technology立即着手开发建筑外观的设计概念。Branch Technology的创始人普拉特·博伊德(Platt Boyd)深知田纳西河谷的美景。2014年夏天,他在公司实验室参加了一个名为GigTank的创业加速器项目,并看到了这座风景如画的城市。之后,他把公司搬到了查塔努加,当时只有三名员工和一个机器人。他们的第一间办公室设在商业发展中心的孵化器,该孵化器由查塔努加地区商会管理。如今,他们在一个4万平方英尺的工厂里工作,工厂配备了15台机器人。

Branch Technology immediately went to work developing a design concept for the building’s exterior. Platt Boyd, the founder of Branch Technology, knew the Tennessee Valley’s scenic beauty. After seeing the Scenic City and competing in a startup accelerator program called GigTank at The Company Lab in summer 2014, he moved his company to Chattanooga with only three employees and one robot. Their first office was at the Business Development Center’s INCubator that is managed by the Chattanooga Area Chamber of Commerce. Today, they work from a 40,000-square foot manufacturing facility that is equipped with 15 robots.

Branch Technology的团队创造了一个立面设计,突出了查塔努加的自然环境之美,并将TVFCU标志性的波浪品牌融入到设计中。设计完成后,他们开始3D打印结构。细胞制造,C-Fab®是一种独特的打印方法,允许材料在开放空间中固化,创建几乎任何形状的聚合物基质。我们为下一代墙体系统带来前所未有的设计自由和资源管理。

Branch Technology’s team created a facade design that highlights the beauty of Chattanooga’s natural surroundings and incorporates TVFCU’s iconic wave branding into the design. With the design created, they began 3D printing the structure. Cellular Fabrication, C-Fab® is a unique printing method that allows material to solidify in open space, creating a matrix of polymer in virtually any shape. We bring unprecedented design freedom and resource stewardship to next-generation wall systems.

Branch Technology的高级概念团队和交流总监John McCabe说:“起伏的立面被用来识别入口,并围绕建筑的曲率扩展,为游客提供导航。”“弯曲立面上不同程度的曲率与TVFCU可识别的波浪标志相呼应。该项目是设计自由的主要元素,提供了一种独一无二的产品,超越了重复的传统建筑和立面制造。”

“The undulating facade is patterned to identify entrances and expand around the building’s curvature, serving as wayfinding for visitors,” said John McCabe, advanced concepts team and director of communications at Branch Technology. “Varying degrees of curvature in the sinuous facade pattern nod to TVFCU’s recognizable wave logo. This project is a staple of design freedom offering a one-of-a-kind product outside the literal box of repetitive, conventional construction and facade manufacturing.”


While the finishing touches on the branch exterior will soon be completed, construction will continue on the branch’s interior. TVFCU plans to open the Southside Branch in late spring 2021. The branch will be TVFCU’s 20th branch and will be a full-service branch.


“While our competitors are closing branches, we are opening them,” said Fortner. “We are constantly looking for better ways to serve our membership. We saw a void in our service area and decided to add a branch.”


The world’s first freeform 3D printed building facade utilizing the Cellular Fabrication (C-Fab®) Process.


This project uses innovative computational design processes to generate complex forms prepared for direct digital manufacturing.


The facade employs a 3D printed structure to unlock design freedom while utilizing material composites that complement each other to create a robust, insulative, and lightweight envelope.


Fundamentally different from other existing 3D printing techniques, C-Fab takes advantage of this Freeform capability to create volumetric geometries with 20X less material than traditional layered-deposition techniques while also maximizing structural capacity through geometric optimization.


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