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数码3CZoom H8 便携式录音机

2020-07-14  8739

之前,我们已经看过几个Zoom的手持录音机。它们令人印象深刻,可让您随时随地捕捉高质量的音频。曾经有一段时间,他们的四轨H4n刻录机在DSLR电影制片人中也几乎无处不在。全新的Zoom H8沿用了H4n和H6n的停放点,带来了针对当前一代内容创作者的多功能录音人才。

We’ve seen a couple of Zoom’s handheld recorders before. They’re impressive as heck, allowing you to capture high-quality audio anywhere you are. For a time, their four-track H4n recorders became a near-ubiquitous presence among DSLR filmmakers, too. The new Zoom H8 picks up where the H4n and H6n left off, bringing multi-functional recording talents aimed at the current generation of content creators.


No, this isn’t your run-of-the-mill voice recorder. Instead, this is a feature-packed portable recorder that’s modular, expandable, and customizable, allowing it to be easily tailored to any type of content you’re creating. Whether you need a sound mixer for a product shoot on the beach, a recording tool for your brand new podcast, or a way to capture the energetic music at the next live show you attend (yes, we don’t know when that will be, either), this thing should prove to be capable enough to get the job done.

Zoom H8具有外观复杂的外形,底部为触摸屏,中间为一系列旋钮和输入,顶部为麦克风。可以说,这推动了便携性和手持设备使用的限制。缺点是,它推动了便携式录音机可以处理的功能范围。例如,看到顶部的那些麦克风吗?称为XYH-6麦克风胶囊,它结合了两个匹配的单向麦克风,可以直接在录音机的前面捕获声音。好吧,该耳麦是可移动的模块,可以用套装的其他任何耳麦替换,以轻松使用新的麦克风系统。

The Zoom H8 has a complicated-looking form factor with a touchscreen at the bottom, a series of knobs and inputs in the middle, and microphones at the top. Suffice to say, this pushes the limits on portability and handheld use. The flipside of that is, it pushes the range of functions a portable audio recorder can handle, too. See those mics at the top, for instance? It’s called the XYH-6 Mic Capsule, which combines two matched unidirectional mics for capturing sound directly in front of the recorder. Well, that capsule is a removable module and can be replaced with any of the outfit’s other capsules for easily using new microphone systems.


There’s a module called the XAH-8, which combines a pair of matched microphones that can be placed in either XY or AB pattern, as well as the VRH-8, which uses four condenser mics to capture audio a full 360 degrees and an Ambisonic decoder to provide real-time conversion to save you time during post-production. Lastly, they offer an EXH-8 module that adds four XLR inputs on top, in case all the other inputs below aren’t enough.

Zoom H8具有六个内置输入,即四个XLR和两个XLR / TRS组合插孔。与EXH-8模块配对后,该模块最多可增加10个输入,因此您可以将整组麦克风,乐器和其他线路电平信号插入此设备。是的,它应该相对轻松地处理这10个输入,因为该死的东西能够同时记录多达12条音轨。还有一个1/8英寸的耳机输出用于监视音频,还有一个专用的立体声线路输出用于将其直接连接到相机。

The Zoom H8 has six built-in inputs, namely four XLR and two XLR/TRS combo jacks. Paired with the EXH-8 module, that adds up to 10 total inputs, so you can plug in a whole host of mics, musical instruments, and other line level signals into this thing. And yes, it should handle those 10 inputs with relative ease, as the darn thing is capable of recording up to 12 tracks simultaneously. There’s also a 1/8-inch headphone output for monitoring the audio and a dedicated stereo line output for hooking it up directly to your camera.

您可以想象,输入这么多内容会变得很复杂,并且它们为此提供了一个聪明的解决方案:应用程序。没错,设备底部的小屏幕旨在根据您正在执行的录制类型启动和运行不同的应用。例如,有一个Podcast应用,它带有专用的音垫,音效,音乐床,当然,还可以通过SD卡加载自己的声音,而音乐应用可以在屏幕上显示音频电平,推子和其他音乐控件,以及各种放大器和效果器的访问权限。您还可以启动Field App,以进行电影拍摄,录制讲座和类似应用。它使用四节AA电池供电,新一批可使用15个小时。

As you can imagine, things can get complex with this many inputs and they offer a clever solution for it: apps. That’s right, the small screen at the bottom of the device is designed to launch and run different apps based on the kind of recording you’re doing. There’s a Podcast App, for instance, with dedicated sound pads, sound effects, music beds, and, of course, the option to load your own sounds via SD card, while the Music App puts audio levels, faders, and other music controls onscreen, along with access to an assortment of amps and effects. There’s also a Field App that you can launch for filmmaking, recording lectures, and similar applications. It powers using four AA batteries, a fresh batch of which can last it for 15 hours of use.

Zoom H8将于8月上市,售价为399.99美元。

The Zoom H8 comes out in August, priced at $399.99.


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