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3D打印BONE 3D 提供了针对 COVID-19 的开源拭子训练模型

2020-06-30  4585

持续需要在全球范围内继续进行COVID-19测试,以追踪病毒仍在传播并防止更多的重大爆发。正如我们在本周了解到的那样,3D打印不仅在生产用于COVID-19诊断的医疗级拭子中发挥作用,而且还可以帮助培训非医疗工作者进行测试管理,以便他们可以放大。总部位于新加坡的Creatz3D最近推出了一种专为COVID-19棉签训练而设计的3D打印人体模型,现在法国公司BONE 3D也正在加强自己的测试模型。

There is an ongoing need to continue COVID-19 tests around the world, to track how the virus is still spreading and to prevent more major outbreaks. As we learned this week, 3D printing not only has a role to play in the production of medical-grade swabs for COVID-19 diagnostics, but it can also help to train non-medical workers to administer the tests, so that they can be scaled up. Singapore-based Creatz3D recently unveiled a 3D printed manikin designed specifically for COVID-19 swab training, and now French company BONE 3D is also stepping up with its own testing model.

BONE 3D项目背后的想法是由Axel构思的,Axel是斯特拉斯堡大学医院著名妇科医生Sananes教授的12岁儿子。 Axel担心法国缺乏测试解决方案,并希望找到一种方法使更多人能够进行拭子测试,因此工作的首屈一指不仅是医疗专业人员。 Sananes教授看到了这种潜力,并与斯特拉斯堡大学医院耳鼻喉科和宫颈面部外科部门的负责人Pr Debry以及Dianosic(一家专门研究鼻窝病变的公司和位于巴黎的医疗技术公司BONE 3D进行了接触)这家生产3D打印医疗解决方案的公司。

The idea behind BONE 3D’s project was conceived by Axel, the 12-year-old son of respected gynaecologist Professor Sananes from the Strasbourg University Hospital. Axel was concerned about the lack of testing solutions in France and wanted to find a way to enable more people to conduct swabbing tests, so the brunt of the work was not only on medical professionals. Professor Sananes saw the potential and reached out to Pr Debry, head of the ENT and cervico-facial surgery department at the Strasbourg University Hospital, as well as with Dianosic, a company specializing in nasal fossa pathologies and BONE 3D, a Paris-based medtech startup that produces 3D printed medical solutions.

在Protege ton Soignant的资助下,该合作项目寻求设计和3D打印鼻咽拭子模拟器。现在完成的模型由两个夹子部分组成,它们模仿了人类头部的相关解剖结构。紧凑型医疗模拟器完全是关于可视化的:用户可以插入拭子,并准确查看拭子的去向和发生的情况。

The collaborative project, supported by funding from Protege ton Soignant, sought to design and 3D print a nasopharyngeal swab simulator. The now-complete model consists of two clip-on segments which mimic the relevant anatomy of the human head. The compact medical simulator is all about visualization: users can insert the swab and see exactly where it goes and what is supposed to happen.

棉签模拟器是使用多种材料的PolyJet 3D打印进行3D打印的,它通过不同的纹理和硬度不仅增加了视觉效果,而且还增加了感官反馈。该模型整合了许多解剖特征,包括鼻窝(和鼻甲),鼻咽,软soft,面部皮肤和粘膜。

The swab simulator is 3D printed using multi-material PolyJet 3D printing, which adds not only visual but also sensory feedback, through different textures and hardnesses. The model integrates many anatomical features, including the nasal fossae (and turbinates), the nasopharynx, the soft palate, the face skin and mucous membrane.

BONE 3D还开发了一个模拟器模型版本,可以使用FDM系统进行3D打印。这样做是为了使测试模型更易于访问。实际上,拭子训练设备的3D模型可以免费下载并在世界任何地方复制。 FDM版本不如PolyJet版本详细,但仍使用户能够理解和实践关键的诊断程序。

BONE 3D has also developed a version of the simulator model which can be 3D printed using FDM systems. This was done in an effort to make the testing model more accessible. In fact, the 3D model for the swab training device can be downloaded for free and reproduced anywhere in the world. The FDM version is less detailed than the PolyJet one, but it still enables users to understand and practice the critical diagnostic procedure.

BONE 3D副总监Lucie Arboy Klein在谈到该项目时说:“我们很高兴通过免费提供打印文件,使这些模型的鼻咽采样培训能够为最大数量的人们使用。”

Lucie Arboy Klein, Associate Director of BONE 3D, said of the project: “We are very pleased to make these models of nasopharyngeal sampling training accessible to the greatest number of people by making the print files freely available.”


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