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家用电器NexFan Ultra 便携式空气冷却器

2020-05-13  5779

夏季即将来临,为您的房屋提供舒适的制冷系统是必要的。当酷热难耐时,我们为您提供了一个解决方案:NexFan Ultra空气冷却器,世界上第一台具有强大冷却能力的UV-C便携式空气冷却器。

As summertime is just around the corner, providing your home with comfortable cooling proves to be a necessity instead of simply a luxury. When the heat is scorching, we’ve got a solution for you: NexFan Ultra Air Cooler, the world’s first UV-C portable air cooler with strong cooling capacity.

NexFan Ultra不仅为您提供凉爽的空气;它是一种四合一设备,可提供多种形式的卓越空气质量,包括制冷,加湿,空气净化和芳香疗法。它产生即时冷却,可通过USB充电器进行超便携式,并自动清洁和净化内部储液槽。

NexFan Ultra doesn’t just provide you with cool air; it is a 4-in-1 device that provides multiple forms of superior air quality, including refrigeration, humidification, air purification and aromatherapy. It produces instant cooling, is ultra-portable with a USB charger and automatically cleans and purifies the internal reservoir.

NexFan Ultra空气冷却器可通过瞬间提供5℃/ 9 cooled的微风冷却,在您想要的任何地方创建舒适的微气候。与传统的蒸发冷却器不同,我们可以更快地完成此工作,并以更长的风距实现更大的覆盖范围。

The NexFan Ultra air cooler creates a comfortable micro-climate anywhere you want by providing a breeze cooled by  5℃/9℉, in an instant. Unlike traditional evaporative coolers, we do it faster and enable more coverage with a much longer wind distance.  

传统的空气冷却器需要几分钟才能提供适当的氛围,但是使用NexFan,您会在几秒钟内感受到冷风。那么,秘密是什么? NexFan Ultra通过使用雾化器将凉爽的空气提升到一个新水平,而传统冷却器仅使用防潮垫。雾化器通过水减压提供更多的喷雾量,以实现快速的温度下降。此外,我们在设备中集成了4.8 x 10 cm的植物纤维帘。这种增稠的纤维能够吸收更多的水,因此可以蒸发更多。

Conventional air coolers take minutes to provide the proper ambience, but with NexFan, you’ll feel the cold wind in just a few seconds. So, what’s the secret? NexFan Ultra has taken cool air to the next level by utilizing an atomizer, where traditional swamp coolers only use a moisture pad. The atomizer provides more spray volume through water depressurization to achieve a rapid temperature drop. Additionally, we have incorporated a 4.8 x 10 cm plant fiber curtain in our device. This thickened fiber is able to soak in more water and thus allows for more evaporation.

通常,传统的冷却器无法延长冷却距离,NexFan Ultra强大的气流距离可以带来长达5英尺的清爽清爽微风。NexFan Ultra的化妆品由湿帘的三维波纹状网络和过滤器组成。这种结构能够产生顺畅自然的空气,并具有良好的风循环性,并且多个吹气角度相距90°。假设风不会在单个/局部区域中吹出,则均匀分布的风会产生强大的冷却效果,并且不会造成头痛。

Oftentimes a traditional cooler cannot extend the cooling distance, NexFan Ultra’s strong airflow distance can deliver a crisp, refreshing breeze up to 5 ft. NexFan Ultra’s makeup consists of a three-dimensional corrugated network of wet curtains and a filter. This structure is able to produce smooth, natural air and a better wind circulation with multiple blowing angles up to 90° apart. The uniformly distributed wind projects powerful cooling and assures no headaches, given that the wind does not blow in a singular/localized area.

升级的雾化器,冷却更快。 (您也可以选择使用冰块或冰晶)。可以在各种情况下使用。 (例如运动后,在厨房做饭,房车等)

Upgraded atomizer, cool faster. (You can also choose to use ice cubes or ice crystals). Can be used under various situations. (such as after exercise, cooking in the kitchen, RV, etc.)

传统的冷却器很难清洗,并且在再次使用后几乎一定会变得肮脏。即使经过反复清洗,几乎也无法避免污垢侵入。毫不奇怪,这是大多数房主的共同努力,但是NexFan Ultra可以作为几乎免维护的解决方案而脱颖而出,可保持周围环境凉爽清洁。

Traditional coolers are hard to clean, and after another use are all but guaranteed to get filthy. Even after repeated cleanings, a dirt invasion is almost unavoidable. Unsurprisingly, this is a common struggle to most homeowners, but NexFan Ultra stands out as an almost maintenance-free solution for keeping your surroundings cool and clean.

有什么比不干净的过滤器更糟?看不见的微生物在死水中繁殖。 NexFan Ultra在整个结构设计中广泛使用了UV-C技术。这有助于减轻灰尘在过滤器上的堆积。更好的是,我们将UV-C LED灯放在冷却器的储藏罐下方,以从各个角度连续照射冷却器的整个内部。没有人应该为了清洁而牺牲清洁度。幸运的是,我们有NexFan Ultra。

What’s worse than an unclean filter? The invisible microorganisms breeding in standing water. NexFan Ultra has utilized UV-C technology extensively throughout its structural design. This helps mitigate the dirt buildup on the filter. Even better, we’ve placed a UV-C LED lamp beneath the cooler’s storage tank to continuously illuminate the entire interior of the cooler from all angles. No one should have to trade cleanliness for comfort. Luckily, we’ve got NexFan Ultra.

长期使用后,普通的过滤器不可避免地会被污染,并且需要进行高维护以防止霉菌滋生。NexFan Ultra的银离子棉技术可在输出冷空气之前提高水的清洁度,从而在有可能的情况下将霉菌和污垢过滤掉。NexFan的Ultra Filter也使用最新的纳米技术将银线嵌入过滤器元件中。不再不断更换过滤器;过滤器的外观不仅节省了清洁的麻烦,还节省了空间。

An ordinary filter will inevitably get contaminated after long-term usage, and requires high maintenance to prevent molds from flourishing. NexFan Ultra’s silver ion cotton technology enhances the cleanliness of the water before outputting the cool air, thus filtering out the mold and the dirt before it ever has a chance. NexFan’s Ultra Filter also uses the latest nanotechnology to embed a silver wire in the filter element. No more ceaseless replacing the filter; the makeup of the filter not only saves you the hassles of cleaning but also saves space.


Using its USB charger, you can either plug it into any power outlet or a power bank; use it stationary or portable; put in indoors or out… The decision is yours, but many options are available.

担心泄漏?是否担心营地床会被弄湿或办公桌可能会被弄湿?借助NexFan Ultra的增强结构,这不会有问题。我们进行的广泛测试表明,即使摇晃和嘎嘎作响,NexFan的强化容器仍可保持安全,无论如何都可确保您的物品安全干燥。

Worried about leaks? Concerned that your camp bed will get soggy or your office desk may get wet? Thanks to NexFan Ultra’s enhanced structure, this won’t be a problem. Our extensive testing shows the NexFan’s fortified container will stay secure even when shaken and rattled, leaving your belongings safe and dry no matter what.

NexFan Ultra可以用更少的能量做更多的事情。为何如此? NexFan Ultra在工作时使用较低的运行功率,使其成为可随时随地使用的“冷却器”。与其他传统沼泽冷却器或普通风扇相比,它的能源效率更高。用10,000 mAh的移动电源充电可以支持12小时的使用寿命,这比市场上领先的冷却器要有效得多,尤其是在500毫升的完整储存器中。您无需担心会中断户外一日游。

NexFan Ultra can do more with less amount of energy. How so? NexFan Ultra uses lower operating power while working, making  it an accessible “cooler on the go”. Compared to other traditional swamp coolers or ordinary fans, it is much more energy-efficient. Charging it with a 10,000 mAh power bank supports a 12-hour service length, which is much more efficient than the leading coolers in the market, especially at a full reservoir of 500ml. You’ll never need to worry about interrupting a full-day trip outdoors.

NexFan Ultra超级光滑,具有独特的隐形外观和低调。 NexFan Ultra的尺寸仅为14.4×16.1×15.9厘米,非常便于携带,可轻松放入行李箱。它比手提包短,重量不到1kg。您有很多地方可以去,为什么不随身携带NexFan Ultra?

NexFan Ultra is super slick with a uniquely stealthy look and a low profile. With a size of only 14.4×16.1×15.9 cm, NexFan Ultra is very portable and can easily be taken in your luggage. It is shorter than a handbag and weighs less than 1kg . You have plenty of places to go, so why not take NexFan Ultra with you?

厌倦了您过时的风扇听起来像是发电机发出的光芒? NexFan的新型降噪块设计使噪声水平保持在68 dB以下,尽管它尽力使您保持精力充沛。我们的降噪等级提高了30%,因此无论您身在何处,都可以确保获得安静,舒缓的个人空间。

Getting tired of your outdated fan sounding like a blaring Generator? NexFan’s new noise-block design keeps the noise level under 68 dB even as it works hard to keep you refreshed. We have enhanced noise reduction level by 30%, so you’ll be guaranteed a quiet, soothing personal space, wherever you take it.


Rather than focusing only on cooling, the NexFan has three other modes upon activation. You can switch between the normal cooling mode and the humidification cooling mode. In a parched environment, cooling in humidification mode is bracing and soothing. In clammy areas, you can turn off the humidification and enjoy the crisp and dry wind.

借助纳米银离子过滤器,NexFan Ultra不仅可以限制水箱内部的污染,而且可以净化周围空气的质量并消除任何异味。

With the nano-silver ion filter, NexFan Ultra can not only limit the contamination inside of the water tank, but also purifies the air quality in the surroundings  and removes any odor.


To add a bit more fun, the NexFan features added color options. Our ambient LED light features a rainbow array of 7 colors, letting you set the mood however you like. If you’d like some peaceful time by yourself, add some aromatherapy oil to facilitate a better sleep. Leave your LED on at night as your night light in case of emergency, or just to feel more secure in your surroundings.

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