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交通工具Volkspod 一辆时尚的老式百叶迷你自行车!

2019-11-26  5260

听说过使用旧汽车零件来做新车修整,但是用它们来制造迷你自行车你听过吗? 布伦特·沃尔特(Brent Walter)自称为“各种各样东西的制造者”,他创造了大众迷你自行车,他亲切地称为“Volkspod”。 就像它的名字一样,这辆车是一个有点荚状的两轮车。自发布以来,大众甲壳虫1型已获得标志性地位。90年代中期至后期,其可爱的球茎结构赢得了几乎所有人的心,生产一直持续到2003年。为了向Bug致敬,Walter使用了汽车各个角落的挡泥板来制造这辆迷你摩托车。四个老式挡泥板合并在一起,形成了Volkspod的头灯和尾灯系统。这款Volkspod搭载79 cc发动机,动力强劲,有望与甲壳虫Type 1相比,甚至更具动力。

Reusing old car parts to replenish other models has always been the custom, however using them to create a mini bike? Now that’s something you don’t see very often. Brent Walter, who describes himself as the “maker and builder of a variety of things”, created the VW Mini Bike, or what he fondly calls the ‘Volkspod’. Much like its name, the automotive is a little pod-shaped two-wheeler. The Volkswagen Beetle Type 1 or the ‘Bug’ has gained iconic status since it’s release. Its adorable bulbous structure had won almost everyone’s heart in the mid to late ’90s, with production lasting until 2003. Paying homage to the Bug, Walter used the fenders from each corner of the car to build the mini motorbike. The four vintage fenders merge together to form the head and tail-light system of the Volkspod. Power-packed with a 79cc engine, the Volkspod promises to be as or even more dynamic than the Beetle Type 1.

这款小型踏板车看起来很像90年代,具有宽大的车把(很像自行车的把手)和灯泡状的头灯和尾灯。Volkspod就像独眼的独眼巨人,或者是Monsters,Inc.电影中的绿色小迈克·沃佐夫斯基(Mike Wazowski)一样,有着非常古怪、超凡脱俗的魅力。原始甲壳虫的标志性的桦木绿和淡蓝色,沃尔特的Volkspod适合任何想要踏入复古时代的人!

The petite scooter looks like it’s right out of the ’90s with its wide handlebar (much like the handles of a bicycle) and bulb-like head and tail lights. Resembling one-eyed cyclops, or green little Mike Wazowski from the Monsters, Inc. movie, the Volkspod has a very eccentric, other-worldly appeal. Available in the iconic shades of the original Beetle; birch green and pastel blue, Walter’s Volkspod is the right fit for anybody who wants to zip right into the retro era!

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