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数码3CElgato Stream Deck XL 可无限扩展的编程仪表板

2019-11-20  5466

我们是Elgato可编程仪表板的忠实拥护者,这些仪表板让您可以使用按钮来控制直播和广播。可以说,这比处理来自各种应用程序和平台的多个菜单要方便得多。 如果15个按钮的布局不足以满足您的需要而决定使用多个按钮,则需要查看Elgato Stream Deck XL。

We’re big fans of Elgato’s programmable dashboards, which allow you to control livestreams and broadcasts using a simple hub of buttons. Suffice to say, it’s a whole lot more convenient than dealing with multiple menus from various applications and platforms. If you decided to use more than one because the 15-button layout isn’t enough for your needs, you might want to check out the Elgato Stream Deck XL.


A bigger version of the outfit’s streaming dashboard, it has over twice as many buttons as the smaller panel, allowing you to map more than double the actions to make your broadcasts run smoother than ever. Whether you want an easy way to switch between cameras, change to a different layout in OBS, or trigger a sound effect to play on stream, this thing lets you do that by simply reaching to the dashboard and pressing a single button, making your production feel much more professional.

Elgato Stream Deck XL保留了与以前版本的仪表板相同的外形尺寸,尺寸为7.2 x 4.4 x 1.3英寸(宽x深x高)。不是常规Stream Deck中的15个按钮和Mini中的6个按钮,该设备具有多达32个按钮,您可以将所有这些按钮映射到所使用的任何程序上的任何快捷方式、宏或命令。这些按钮以8 x 4的网格布局,具有足够的大小和间距,应该很少会出现按错键的情况。

The Elgato Stream Deck XL retains the same form factor as previous versions of the dashboard, albeit in a bigger size that measures 7.2 x 4.4 x 1.3 inches (width x depth x height). Instead of the 15 buttons in the regular Stream Deck and the six buttons in the Mini, this one gets a whopping 32 buttons, all of which you can map to any shortcut, macro, or command on any program that you use. Those buttons are laid out in an 8 x 4 grid, with enough size and separation that should make pressing the wrong key a rare occurrence.


As with the previous iterations, each button has an individual screen that you can use to customize it with icon labels, making each one easier to identify with a quick glance. You can use either static or dynamic icons, too, so you can put an animated gif with blinking lights on there if you prefer torturing your eyes.

Elgato Stream Deck XL不仅允许您为按键分配单独的动作,还支持多个动作,这些动作可以通过单击来触发。您甚至可以选择同时执行动作还是按时间间隔执行动作,这使其成为一种非常通用的工具。操作界面也很容易分配,您可以通过该界面将操作拖放到按键上。您甚至可以将按钮分配为文件夹,这为您提供了一组新的32键,使您可以将无休止的动作编程到面板上。

The Elgato Stream Deck XL allows you to assign not just individual actions to the keys, it also supports multiple actions that you can trigger with a single tap. You can even choose whether to execute the actions simultaneously or with timed intervals, making this a very versatile tool. Assigning actions is easy, too, with the interface allowing you to simply drag-and-drop actions onto keys. You can even assign buttons as folders, which gives you a new set of 32 keys, allowing you to program endless actions onto the board.

据该公司称,该设备现已完全集成到Elgator Game Capture,OBS,Streamlabs,XSplit,Twitch,YouTube,Twitter,Mixer等。它也可以与许多其他应用程序一起使用,因此您可以将其与视频编辑器、图像编辑器以及许多其他软件一起使用。他们还提供了一个SDK,因此可以进一步对其进行自定义,以使其不仅与应用程序兼容,甚至与您在家和办公室使用的智能对象兼容。

According to the outfit, the device is now fully integrated into Elgator Game Capture, OBS, Streamlabs, XSplit, Twitch, YouTube, Twitter, Mixer, and more. It can also work with a lot of other applications, so you can use it with your video editor, image editor, and a whole lot of other software. They also have an SDK available, so it can be further customized to be compatible with not just applications, but even smart objects you use both at home and the office.

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