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数码3CCooler Master MM710 带洞洞的超轻量游戏鼠标

2019-10-09  4646

如何让游戏鼠标比通常的重量变的轻一些? 答案是:在外壳上掏一些孔。这就Cooler Master MM710 轻量鼠标的解决方案,Cooler Master MM710是一款游戏鼠标,整个机身上都有数十个大的穿孔。

How do you make a gaming mouse so much lighter than it normally would weigh? Cut some holes into its shell. At least, that’s the solution they decided on with the Cooler Master MM710, a gaming mouse with dozens upon dozens of large perforations all throughout its body.

不是使用精美的材料和更轻巧的组件,而是在鼠标本身上放置多个切口。 该产品行之有效,最终证明该设备是其首款“超轻游戏鼠标”。

That’s right, instead of using fancy materials and even more lightweight components, they decided to just put multiple cutouts on the mouse itself. And it works, turning out a peripheral that, the outfit claims, is its first “ultralight gaming mouse.”

Cooler Master MM710的机身上布满了蜂窝状孔眼,使该设备更适合游戏,同时重量保持在53克以下。 为什么沉迷于这么轻的体重? 该公司声称这将使游戏玩家能够长时间玩而不会感到疲劳,尽管疲劳感觉是红牛和所有其他咖啡因饮料都可以解决的。根据Cooler Master的说法,外壳的设计不仅要轻巧,而且要“极其耐用”,因此这些穿孔不会使鼠标容易受到损坏。

The Cooler Master MM710 has a body riddled with honeycomb perforations, allowing the outfit to equip it with the necessary hardware to make it suitable for gaming, while managing to keep the weight at under 53 grams. Why the obsession to shed so much weight? The outfit claims this will enable gamers to play for longer without fatigue, although we have a feeling the Red Bull and all the other caffeine drinks can take care of that all on its own. According to Cooler Master, the shell is engineered not just to be lightweight, but to be “supremely durable,” too, so those perforations won’t leave your mouse more susceptible to damage.

它们在孔眼上也不小气,因为几乎所有可能与任何手指的尖端都不完全接触的鼠标区域都充满了孔。 这意味着,您不太可能会意外地将手指卡在任何孔中,除非您在游戏中惊慌失措并开始用鼠标砸桌子。 即使您是经常出汗的手掌类型的玩家,也能确保您安全的使用鼠标,因为电路板既防尘又防溅,因此您可以随意出汗而不会损坏电子设备。 

They weren’t stingy on the perforations, either, as nearly all areas of the mouse that aren’t likely to make full contact with the tip of any finger gets riddled with holes. That means, you’re not likely to accidentally get a finger stuck in any of the holes –unless, of course, you panic in-game and start slamming your mouse on the desk. If you’re the type of gamer that regularly get sweaty palms, they made sure you can still use the mouse, as is circuit board is both dust- and splash-proof, so you can sweat as much as you want without damaging the electronics. Heck, you can probably spill your Red Bull in there with no issues.

Cooler Master MM710是标准游戏鼠标,带有用于两个单击按钮的欧姆龙开关,每个按钮的额定按下次数为2000万次。 在左侧添加了两个拇指按钮,主要针对惯用右手的用户进行了优化。 它使用最大DPI为16,000的光学传感器,以及七个可编程DPI设置,您可以使用与滚动轮一起排列的小按钮来循环浏览(可以使用Portal应用程序来调整设置)。 其他值得注意的细节包括1,000 Hz的轮询速率和400 IPS的跟踪速度。

The Cooler Master MM710 is a standard gaming mouse, with Omron switches for the two click buttons, each of which are rated for 20 million presses. They added two thumb buttons on the left sides, so this is optimized mostly for right-handed users. It uses an optical sensor with 16,000 maximum DPI, along with seven programmable DPI settings that you can cycle through using the small button lined up along with the scroll wheel (settings can be adjusted using the Portal app). Other notable details include a polling rate of 1,000 Hz and a tracking speed of 400 IPS.

他们将鼠标与类似的轻质“超编织”电缆配对,从而最大程度地减少了滑动时的“电缆拉动”,因此您可以将时间花在游戏体验上,而不必与游戏外围设备进行拔河比赛。 顺便说一下,鼠标脚使用了PTFE材料,该材料应表现出低摩擦力以实现平稳控制,并为鼠标提供一致的滑动感,并带有额外的一组鼠标脚,因此当您感觉不舒服时可以轻松地替换它们。

They pair the mouse with a similarly lightweight “ultraweave” cable that minimizes “cable pull” while you’re swiping, so you can spend that time focusing on the game instead of having to play tug-of-war with your gaming peripheral. It uses a PTFE material for the mouse feet, by the way, which should exhibit low friction to enable smooth control and give your mouse a consistent glide, complete with an extra set of mouse feet, so you can easily replace them when they do give out.

Cooler Master MM710现已上市。

The Cooler Master MM710 is available now.

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