交通工具 DIY 可持续的蘑菇头盔

草原来的萨摩 2020-12-30   6604

这个蘑菇头盔会随着您的成长而成长。是的,请缓慢而仔细地阅读此书:蘑菇帽会随着您的成长而逐渐成长。 “你什么意思?!”您说的话,我向您保证,声明没有错,对此有一个解释。自行种植头盔是一种由菌丝制成的可持续产品,菌丝是真菌的营养部分。

This mushroom helmet will grow on you as it grows. Yes, read this slowly and carefully: this mushroom helmet will grow on you as it grows. “What do you mean?!” you say and I assure you that statement is not wrong, there is an explanation for it. The Grow It Yourself Helmet is a sustainable product made from mycelium which is the vegetative part of a fungus.

菌丝体是紧密编织成块状分支网络的线状菌丝,使其成为可持续的强力材料。细丝的网络是天然的粘合剂,它们也可以自粘在其生长的表面上。整个过程基于有助于废物循环利用的生物元素。制作头盔的过程还使孩子们参与了有意义的活动,向他们传授了可持续性和安全性方面的知识。“我们开发了一种可以用干草和菌丝体制成的头盔。它是100%可堆肥,透气且耐冲击的。由于孩子的成长速度,头盔减少了在短时间内将要弃置的产品中使用塑料的次数。” NOS Design小组说。为了进一步开发该设计,NOS与一家名为Polybion的公司合作,该公司开发了Fungicel(使用菌丝体的专利)。这种真菌像泡沫一样生长,因此可以在撞击时提供缓冲。

Mycelium is the thready hyphae that are tightly woven into mass branch-like networks making it a strong sustainable material. The network of filaments are natural binders and they also are self-adhesive to the surface they grow on. The entire process is based on biological elements that help in upcycling waste. The process of making this helmet also gets the kids involved in a meaningful activity that teaches them about sustainability and safety.”We have developed a helmet that can be made out of hay and Mycelium. It is 100% compostable, breathable, and impact resistant. The helmet reduces the use of plastics in a product that will be disposed of in a short time due to the child’s growth rate,” says the team at NOS Design. To further develop this design, NOS partnered with a company called Polybion which developed Fungicel (a patent that uses mycelium). This fungus grows like foam and therefore can provide cushioning at the time of impact.

这种蘑菇材料是可生物降解的,可持续的并且是材料的低成本替代品,同时还具有耐热和耐火的特性–实际上,菌丝体也被用于建筑行业,作为水泥的替代品,占水泥总量的12%。该行业在全球碳足迹中的39%贡献。菌丝体复合材料制造业也可以成为农村地区发展新型生物产业的催化剂,在创造新的就业机会的同时实现可持续的经济增长。 NOS Design以其环保产品而闻名,这种设计将可持续性与DIY活动融为一体,从而使我们每天都能使用的产品为我们带来了回报。

This mushroom material is biodegradable, sustainable, and a low-cost alternative to materials while also possessing thermal and fire-resistant properties – in fact, mycelium is being used in the construction industry too as an alternative to cement which is responsible for 12% of the industry’s 39% contribution in the world’s carbon footprint. Mycelium composite manufacturing can also be a catalyst in developing new bioindustries in rural areas, generating sustainable economic growth while creating new jobs. NOS Design is known for its environmentally friendly products and this design blends sustainability with a DIY activity that rewards us with a product we can use every day.


Diego Mata and NOS Design



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