交通工具 TESLA MODEL B 一款未来概念电动自行车

草原来的萨摩 2020-12-04   8001

如果我不得不将特斯拉的理念概括为一个词,那可以说是将先进技术带入汽车界,从而使运输高效,安全和便捷。无论是电动动力总成,高效电池,先进的硬件/软件,还是特斯拉率先开展自动驾驶运动的事实,可以肯定地说,该公司已经超越了一切,改变了我们的生活方式从这个角度来看,肯德尔·托纳(Kendall Toerner)的特斯拉Model B概念将特斯拉的先进方法带到了自行车领域。

If I had to condense Tesla‘s ethos into a single phrase, it would arguably be to bring advanced technologies to the world of automotives to make transportation efficient, safe, and convenient. Whether it’s the electric powertrains, the efficient batteries, the advanced hardware/software, or the fact that Tesla is spearheading the self-driving movement, it’s safe to say that the company has gone above and beyond to change the face of how we get from A to B. In that very vein, the Tesla Model B concept by Kendall Toerner brings Tesla’s advanced approach to the category of bicycles.

B型汽车在传统自行车和公路车辆之间架起了一座桥梁,其设计与汽车一样,设计成更安全,更高效,能耗更低。 B型车的圆滑框架配备了前,侧面和后方接近度以及LiDAR传感器,它们可以扫描周围的环境,在骑手周围形成保护性的气泡,提醒他们是否有障碍物。每个车轮都带有自己的专用电动机,构成了Model B的双驱动系统。车轮上的辐条被减震器取代,有助于保持平稳行驶。

The Model B forms a bridge between conventional bicycles and road-vehicles, with a design that, like cars, is designed to be safer, more efficient, and less energy-intensive. The Model B’s sleek frame comes with forward, side-facing, and rear proximity and LiDAR sensors that scan the surroundings to create a protective bubble around the rider, alerting them of any obstacle. Each wheel comes with its own dedicated motor, forming the Model B’s dual-drive system. Spokes on the wheels are replaced by shock-absorbers, helping keep your ride smooth.

电动自行车的车架还集成了折叠式脚凳和车把。车把不会独立旋转,而是检测力量,让您只需在特定侧面上施加更大的力量即可转向。前轮根据手柄力输入独立转动。 Model B还配备了自己的自动驾驶功能,该功能可以让自行车自己的AI接管,使用其车架上的多个传感器作为眼睛,以安全地操纵自行车。光滑的仪表板与自行车架齐平,使您可以查看自行车统计数据以及设置导航以供自己参考或特斯拉自动驾驶仪。型号B的突击队员颜色为白色和黑色,虽然我很想看到红色的喷漆效果不错!

The frame of the e-bike also integrates foldout footrests and handlebars. The handlebars don’t independently rotate, but rather detect force, allowing you to turn by simply applying more force on a particular side. The front-wheel turns independently, based on handle force input. The Model B also comes with its own autopilot feature that lets the bike’s own AI take over, using the multiple sensors on its frame as its eyes to maneuver the bicycle safely. A slick dashboard sits flush within the bike’s frame, allowing you to see bike stats as well as set navigation for your own reference, or for the Tesla autopilot. The Model B sports a stormtrooper color combo of white with black accents, although I’d love to see one with a nice hot red paint job!


Kendall Toerner



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